
A Catholic Online Directory

Items tagged with: Irlandia


Santo Aidan

Apostle of Northumbria | Aedan of Lindisfarne

31 Agustus

Hits : 16893
Brigitta dari Irlandia
Bride of the Isles, Bridget of Ireland, Brigid of Kildare, Ffraid, Mary of the Gael

01 Februari

Hits : 24447

Santa Dymphna

Dympna, Dimpna, Dympne

15 Mei

Hits : 16321

Santo Flannan

Bishop Flannan of Killaloe

18 Desember

Hits : 9833

Santo Foillan

Feuillen of Fosses, Faillan of Fosses, Faolan of Fosses, Feuillien of Fosses, Foalan of Fosses, Foelan of Fosses

31 Oktober

Hits : 9300

Santo Fridolin

Apostle of the Upper Rhine, Fridolin Vandreren of Säckingen, Irish Wanderer

6 Maret

Hits : 10937

Santo Kenneth

Kanisius, Canice

11 Oktober

Hits : 12793
Kevin dari Glendalough
Kevin of Glendalough, Caoimhghin, Coemgen, Coemgenus, Comegen, Keivin, Kevin of Glen da locha

3 Juni

Hits : 15170
Saint Columbanus

Santo Kolumbanus

Columbanus of Luxeuil, Columbanus of Bobbio

23 November

Hits : 8920
Laurensius O'Toole
Lorcan Ua Tuathail, Lawrence O’Toole, Laurence O’Toole

14 November

Hits : 11771

Santo Malakios

Malachy O’More, Maelmhaedhoc O’Morgair, Maolmhaodhog ua Morgair, Maol Maedoc, Malachy O’Morgair, Malachi, Malachy of Armagh, Máel Máedóc Ua Morgair

3 November 4 November (di Irlandia)

Hits : 8205
Oliver Plunkett
Oileabhéar Pluincéad

1 Juli 10 Juli di beberapa wilayah Irlandia

Hits : 11095

Santo Patrick

Rasul Irlandia, Maewyn Succat

17 Maret

Hits : 14321
Ralph Corby
Ralph Corbington

07 September

Hits : 8329

Santo Tutilo

Tutilo von Gallen, Tutilo of Gall, Tutilo of Saint Gall

28 Maret

Hits : 9334
Santo Virgilius

Santo Virgilius

Virgilius of Salzburg

27 November

Hits : 12245
Willibrord of Echternach, Clement of Echternach, Apostle of the Frisians

07 November

Hits : 11705

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