Paolo da San Leocadio [Public domain], <a href=""  target="_blank">via Wikimedia Commons</a>
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<b>Description :</b><br />
The work represents the Virgin Mary carrying on her knees her son, the Infant Jesus, and being Saint Benedict of Nursia standing and to the right of the Virgin and Saint Bernard of Claraval also standing and to his left, while a gentleman with the white mantle and the red cross of the Order of Montesa he appears kneeling before the mother of God.

Virgin of the Knight of Montesa

Paolo da San Leocadio [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Description :

The work represents the Virgin Mary carrying on her knees her son, the Infant Jesus, and being Saint Benedict of Nursia standing and to the right of the Virgin and Saint Bernard of Claraval also standing and to his left, while a gentleman with the white mantle and the red cross of the Order of Montesa he appears kneeling before the mother of God.

Added to Bernard of Clairvaux and categorized in 5 years ago

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