William Edward Frank Britten (1848–1916) [Public domain], <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:W.E.F._Britten_-_Alfred,_Lord_Tennyson_-_St._Simeon_Stylites.jpg" target="_blank">via Wikimedia Commons</a>
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<b>Description :</b>
 A 1901 illustration by W. E. F. Britten for Alfred Tennyson's St. Simeon Stylites.       
"And yet I know not well,
For that the evil ones come here, and say,
'Fall down, O Simeon;
thou hast suffered long
For ages and for ages!'"

St. Simeon Stylites W.E.F. Britten Alfred, Lord Tennyson,1901

William Edward Frank Britten (1848–1916) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Description :

A 1901 illustration by W. E. F. Britten for Alfred Tennyson's St. Simeon Stylites.
"And yet I know not well,
For that the evil ones come here, and say,
'Fall down, O Simeon;
thou hast suffered long
For ages and for ages!'"

Added to Simeon Stylites5 years ago

In this album