Palácio do Correio Velho [Public domain], <a href=""  target="_blank">via Wikimedia Commons</a>
Painting of Saint Theresa offering a sceptre to King John IV, at the time Duke of Braganza. The text reads: <i>"On the Year of 1639, one year before the Acclamation of this Kingdom, the Venerable Servant of God Leonor Rodrigues had this vision, in which she saw the Duke of Braganza sitting on a Royal Throne, and Saint Thereza putting a sceptre on his hands with her left hand; the Servant of God understood that within a year the Portuguese would have their natural King, by the Saint's intercession, and because her left hand is in Portugal; it was for this reason that she offered him the sceptre with his left hand and not the right. This came to pass in 1640, the year that followed."</i>

Saint Theresa offering a sceptre to King John IV, Duke of Braganza

Palácio do Correio Velho [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Painting of Saint Theresa offering a sceptre to King John IV, at the time Duke of Braganza. The text reads: "On the Year of 1639, one year before the Acclamation of this Kingdom, the Venerable Servant of God Leonor Rodrigues had this vision, in which she saw the Duke of Braganza sitting on a Royal Throne, and Saint Thereza putting a sceptre on his hands with her left hand; the Servant of God understood that within a year the Portuguese would have their natural King, by the Saint's intercession, and because her left hand is in Portugal; it was for this reason that she offered him the sceptre with his left hand and not the right. This came to pass in 1640, the year that followed."

Added to Teresa of Ávila and categorized in 5 years ago

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