Martyrdom of St. Ursula, from a altar wing from the Heilig-Kreuz-Munster, Rottweil, Kreis Rottweill, c. 1440, Herzog von Urach, Schloss Lichtenstein - Landesmuseum Württemberg - Stuttgart, Germany

<a href=",_from_a_altar_wing_from_the_Heilig-Kreuz-Munster,_Rottweil,_Kreis_Rottweill,_c._1440,_Herzog_von_Urach,_Schloss_Lichtenstein_-_Landesmuseum_W%C3%BCrttemberg_-_Stuttgart,_Germany_-_DSC03045.jpg" target="_blank">Daderot</a>, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Martyrdom of St. Ursula

Martyrdom of St. Ursula, from a altar wing from the Heilig-Kreuz-Munster, Rottweil, Kreis Rottweill, c. 1440, Herzog von Urach, Schloss Lichtenstein - Landesmuseum Württemberg - Stuttgart, Germany

Daderot, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Added to Ursula4 years ago

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