Saint Jerome Emiliani (Hiëronymus Emiliani) is the patron Saint of orphans. He was the founder of the Somaschi Fathers and canonized in 1767 by Pope Clement XIII.

<a href="" title="via Wikimedia Commons" target="_blank">Didier Descouens</a> [<a href="" target="_blank">CC BY-SA</a>]
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Girolamo Emiliani (or Miani) who entrusts his orphans of Alessandro Revera to the Blessed Virgin

Saint Jerome Emiliani (Hiëronymus Emiliani) is the patron Saint of orphans. He was the founder of the Somaschi Fathers and canonized in 1767 by Pope Clement XIII.

Didier Descouens [CC BY-SA]


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Added to Jerome Emiliani4 years ago

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