Francesco Botticini [Public domain], <a href=",_Francesco_-_San_Gerolamo_Altarpiece_-_National_Gallery_London.jpg"  target="_blank">via Wikimedia Commons</a>
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<b>Description :</b>
To either side are saints connected with him: Pope Damasus and Saint Eusebius on the left, and Saint Paula with a book and Saint Eustochium with a lily on the right. In the foreground, either side of the panel with Saint Jerome, two donors kneel, possibly Gerolamo di Piero di Cardinale Rucellai (died 1497?) and his son. Altarpiece complete in its original frame. The frame was extensively remade and regilded in about 1850

Saint Jerome in Penitence with Saints and Donors - by Botticini Francesco, San Gerolamo Altarpiece

Francesco Botticini [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Description :

To either side are saints connected with him: Pope Damasus and Saint Eusebius on the left, and Saint Paula with a book and Saint Eustochium with a lily on the right. In the foreground, either side of the panel with Saint Jerome, two donors kneel, possibly Gerolamo di Piero di Cardinale Rucellai (died 1497?) and his son. Altarpiece complete in its original frame. The frame was extensively remade and regilded in about 1850

Added to Damasus I and categorized in 5 years ago

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